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>> Solar PV string monitoring system
string monitoring system
Having invested huge amount of capital in their solar PV plants, the
plant operators want to get the maximum output from their photovoltaic
power plants.
The solar photovoltaic plant operators want to know the reason behind
any / every fall in the PV plants output - whether the fall is due to
some known cause [cloudy weather, planned maintenance,... etc.] or the
fall is due to a fault in the plant that needs to be rectified.
And, in case of fault, they want to know the exact location of the
A solar PV plant typically has hundreds / thousands of PV modules
spread over a large area. Using conventional means finding answers to
both these questions is very difficult and/or time consuming.
The string monitoring and
diagnostics system offered by Hanut India is
a smart solution to above mentioned problems.
The string monitoring and diagnostics system provides clear and
up to the minute information about the entire generating section of the
solar plant. Alarms are displayed locally and on the central monitoring
server showing the exact PV module string / array junction box with
fault for immediate action by the plant operators.
The string monitoring and diagnostics system offered by Hanut
India is affordable and simple to install.
Please see the block diagram below to
have an
understanding of the string monitoring system.
monitoring system:
provides detailed information about the power generated by each string
of PV modules.
provides information about out-of-order or disturbed strings.
Upon occurrence of a fault in the power plant the system
points of the place, where the fault is
registered and the nature of the fault. Such information is accompanied
by a visual alarm in the concerned field array junction box and the
central monitoring server.
monitors the status of the fuses of each string
each measuring module does a self-check up on power ON.
the system installation is easy and quick as the measuring module comes
pre installed in the array junction box provided by Hanut India. Hanut
India can customize the array junction box as per plant operator's
The string monitoring module needs NO additional cabling for power
supply and data transmission as it takes power from the PV module
strings and transmits data to the central server wirelessly. Absence of
power and data transmission wires is a very BIG
User friendly software is provided for monitoring the performance of
all the strings from a central location.
Technical specifications
Max # of input string per
module :
max. current per input
string :
±8А [10A
provided on each string]
Current Measuring Method:
via shunt resistor 0.01
Max Operating Voltage:
1000V DC
Power Supply Range:
50 – 1000V DC, start from
250V DC
Module Power Consumption:
< 5W
DC Input Wire Size:
2.5 – 4 sq mm
Radio Modem Frequency:
868 MHz
Radio Modem Range:
up to 500 meters
Radio Modem Connection to
Data Server:
via USB-RF modem
Working Temperature:
-25°C +70°C
LED Indicators:
Software Language:
In addition to supplying array junction boxes with
string monitoring Hanut India is also a leading supplier of stands for
solar PV
modules mounting, plain array junction boxes, main junction boxes,
under and over voltage
monitoring systems and post inverter [AC side] LT panels and ACDBs.
Please contact
us for getting more information and/or for getting price
Solar PV product range